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Croda da Lago Refuge

+39 0436 862085 -389 1862277
Opening dates: June-November - Always check the opening and closing dates

An undisputed natural paradise, the refuge is situated in a magical spot overlooking the colossal mountains of Croda da Lago, Croda Rossa, Pomagagnon, Cristallo, Sorapiss and Becco di Mezzodì.

Far from the bustle of everyday life, it is easy to reach on foot and by mountain bike. It is run by mountain guide Modesto Alverà and his wife Monica, who have managed to maintain the “old style” of the historic refuges of yesteryear.

The Mountain hut Rifugio Croda da Lago was built by the mountain guide Giovanni Barbaria in 1901. In 1905 it was sold to the  Reichenberg branch of the Austro-German Alpine Club, which ran it until the end of the First World War. In 1920 it then passed to the Cortina branch of the CAI, to which it belongs to this day.After the Second World War, to the name “Croda da Lago” was added that of “Gianni Palmieri” in honour of the Partisan commandant who was awarded a military gold medal.

Within its walls there is a joyous atmosphere that only the harmony of a large family can convey. Modesto and Monica, in fact, work together with their six children.

Lake Federa, an extraordinary jewel in this casket, extends to the side of the refuge. It is a beautiful playground for children; its waters host small fish, molluscs and alpine newts.The lake is thought to be fed by one or more underground sources, although Angelica, the youngest member of the household, is not convinced of this. According to Angelica, its origin goes back to an ancient legend: a perfidious dragon, envious of the flourishing town of Miliera, founded at Fraina by the adventurer Zan de Rame and his companion Donna Dindia, destroyed the town and then returned here to the mountains. He dug a hollow at the foot of the wall, where he settled down to bask in the sun. With the passage of time the water came down from the snowfields and filled in the hollow, thus forming the lake which mirrors the Croda da Lago…Who should we believe? It’s up to you to decide.

Far from the ski lifts, the roads and the confusion of the centre of Cortina, Mountain hut Rifugio Croda da Lago is an ideal place for those who wish to stay in the company of a few close friends with the stars overhead. Monica will be more than happy to let you sample one of her delicious cakes. You must not miss her ricotta cake or her strudel made with homemade flaky pastry, just as our grandmothers used to make it. Not to mention the selection of flavoured grappas. The Croda da Lago refuge also provides an excellent snack bar service.

Open in summer, it is the perfect arrival point for  excursionists coming from the various mountainsides on foot or on mountain bike. In fact, it is a stopping point on the Alta Via n. 1 (High Road No. 1), the most famous trekking path in the Dolomites.

The Mountain hut Rifugio Croda da Lago also serves as a base camp for mountaineers climbing the faces of the Croda da Lago and the Becco di Mezzodì. There is a rock climbers’ practice wall close by the refuge.

Set in this magical location, a completely environment-friendly Finnish Barrel Sauna soothes your muscles and your soul.

The refuge has 51 beds in dormitories of 6 beds or more, with no sheets provided but supplied with  mattress covers and duvets. You are advised to bring a sleeping bag and your own towel. The toilets and showers are shared.

You are asked to book a few days in advance.

Payments accepted:
Credit carts – Bancomat (bank debit cards)

How to get to rifugio Croda da Lago.

The Delicious Cortina team, which also includes the refuge Croda da Lago, organizes all kinds of events throughout the year:  from high altitude concerts, parties on the panoramic terraces, exhibitions and meetings in the cultural centres of the area, historical re-enactments in the museums of WWI, sports competitions, themed dinners and photo competitions to solidarity events.The complete list of all these experiences is published in the events calendar.


About the accommodation


Rifugio Croda da Lago G. Palmieri
Località Croda da Lago
Cortina d'Ampezzo
32043 (Bl)

Altitude: 2.046 m

Bunkrooms: 7

Beds: 51

Access: easy to reach on foot and by mountain bike

WiFi: free Wi-Fi

Wellness: sauna at 2.000 metres of altitude



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